pondělí 10. prosince 2012
Me & DSLR Camera for the first time!
Hi everybody! Long time no see - I am very sorry, I've been quite busy to be honest. Today I want to show you some of my very first pictures that I took with a DSLR Camera. It's an old model by Canon, and it was lended to me. I would love to buy one for myself, but those cameras can be very expensive and I have other preferences in my life right now (like travelling to Japan! Yay!). I was quite surprised by those photos, I didn't think they would turn out this way! We were on a walk in a forest and the lighting was quite bad - it was already about 5 PM and it was getting dark. So the conditions weren't the best! Let me know if you like those pictures! :-) have a great start to the week everybody!
pátek 30. listopadu 2012
It's officially Christmas time!
Hi guys! Lately I've been feeling a little bit down, because I've been sick and couldn't do many things apart from while I've been laying in my bed, the winter arrived! A week ago I could go out in caprese pants and a sweatshirt, today I had to wear scarf and a trench coat. It's not really freezing yet, but you can definitely smell the winter in the air, if you know what I mean :-)
Tonight, when I went to school to pick up the kids, it was already dark outside, the lights were lit up and the air crisp...I really got into the holiday spirit! Ooh how I love Christmas season!!! It's my favorite time of the year :-) I wish we already had some decorations on or at least the tree up! Tomorrow I want to go to Christmas markets, which start this weekend! If I feel well...hopefully I wake up tomorrow feeling much better than today :-). I'd love to buy advent wreath for my bedroom, but I don't know if its worth it - I won't be here for all four advent Sundays...we'll see.
Anyways, I've decided to dedicate this blog completely to my life & travel & au pair experiences and create another blog - AdeleInBeautyLand. It's written in czech language, for many reasons. Just to let you know ;-)
Hope you all are doing great!
Have a great weekend!
pondělí 26. listopadu 2012
Sick & The Best TV shows
Hi guys! I wanted to do some product review blog posts for you, but instead, I'm lying in my bed all day sipping Twinnings English Breakfast tea and sleeping. I am sick, hopefully it's just a cold and it goes away as fast as it came (yes, yesterday I felt so well that I went running into the Foret Boucone and did my personal best). And today I woke up with a sore throat, stuffy nose and slight temperature :-( I don't even crave food, especially chocolate, so that's a sure sign I'm sick, haha.
I've been catching up on my TV shows that I watch regularly, today's been a Once Upon a Time kind of day...It's a cute fairytale TV series with Jennifer Morrison, she stared also in Dr. House as Cameron. She's great in this show! She plays the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. Also, Emilie de Ravin (Remember Me) plays Belle.
Another one of my favorite shows is The Vampire Diaries. I don't think I need to elaborate on this one any more, I'm sure many of you know this series and if you don't, you're probably not a fan of vampire stories. I just want to say I love Elena as a vampire now and I am all the way Team Delena!

Moving on to less action, but sure as much drama, Glee. Are you a Gleek? I sure am! I love music, I love dancing. If you do too, you'll love Glee! It is about a high school glee club and high school drama, and high school geeks, but in a very nice and good way.
Now moving on to my favorite sitcoms! Of course Friends and all that jazz, we've seen it about milion times, right? 2 Broke Girls would be a great replacement. These two New Yorkers are trying to move out of Brooklyn by succeeding in their cupcake business. The jokes might sound cheap sometimes, but trust me, it's hilarious.
This sitcom I'm about to tell you guys you already know of, it's another very popular TV show. HIMYM or rather How I Met Your Mother. It puts a smile onto my face every time :-).
Last but not least, I'm gonna talk about Scrubs. It's a sitcom from the medical enviroment, starring with great Sarah Chalke! And what's the best - you can watch it on youtube, on the official scrubs 4u channel!
Hopefully this gave you some tips on what to watch when you're sick or just bored! :-) Coming up with more meaningful blogpost soon, hopefully...
neděle 25. listopadu 2012
You Better Dig Two
Hi everybody! I'm so excited for the holiday season coming up! I love Christmas, it's the best time EVER. And the best thing is that in three weeks I'm going to fly home to see my family and my friends. Time goes by really fast over here...especially when you're having fun. I just wish I had some friends over here, somebody to go to the movies with, drink coffee...I want to try out this new gym in a small city nearby, maybe I'll meet somebody there :-). Today I bought another Christmas present, I'm getting really excited. I am flying home, so I can't really bring that many presents with me. Boo :(. I wanted to buy the Dolce Gusto coffee machine for my parents, but I guess not. Next year, maybe. I know they would love to have one but they'll never have the courage to buy it! Haha. What are your holiday plans? When do you start buying your presents? I am actually very late this year. I'm notorious for having all of my gifts ready by the end of October :D.
sobota 24. listopadu 2012
5 Things
1) L'Oreal nail varnishes
[I bought these varnishes at a local outlet store only for 2.99€ each! In the stores, they retail up to 11.99€.]
2) My door cork board
[It's really big, so everything I need to pin up there fits there. My post cards, calendar, train timetable, important numbers and pictures made by the children I take care of.]
3) My first french book
[Petit guide de survie pour New-Yorkaise en déroute! by Minkdy Klasky. It's fun and easy book and it helps ton with my french.]
4) Writing & Receiving letters
[It's much nicer to receive a letter than a facebook message...]
5) French wine
[Bought these two babies today as a Christmas gift to my parents]
pátek 23. listopadu 2012
Candle Creations
Hello! It's time to give you some updates on how and what I am doing! I've been really great over here, in my "new" (wow, it's been five weeks!) host family. I love the kids, they are amazing. They behave well and are fully autonome, which makes my work much easier. We play a lot and I try to spend as much time with them as possible. I don't really have any friends over here yet, so I bonded with the family very quickly and they are the ones I love to spend time with. Last weekend I wanted to do something with the kids - so we made candles. It was such a time - consuming process, we couldn't do it during the week, as they have school, homework etc. I probably enjoyed it the most out of all of us! :D heh.
What we did is we used a Candle kit that the kids already had had before. There was some wax in it, a yellow pot where you melt the wax, crayons, which add color to your wax...some spatulas and wick.
We melted the wax by putting the yellow pot over boiling water and shreded the crayons over it, so the wax got some color to it.
There were some candle moulds in the kit as well, so that's what we used. Once the wax was all colored and melted, we just poured it into the moulds.
When you're done, you need to put the candle in the fridge for 24 hours.
Et voila! These are my candles :-)
Here's Baptiste with his candle! :-)
And Lilou!
Have a great weekend everybody!
úterý 20. listopadu 2012
Kill, F*ck, Marry!
I love beauty blogs. I love procastinating while reading them. During my search of some new ones I stumbled across this song and it's already been on replay for at least an hour. I had to share it with you. I just LOVE the mood of this song, the voice...everytime I hear it I find a new thing I love about it. So, if you're a music lover like I am, you should definitely check this out!
pondělí 19. listopadu 2012
5 things!
1) The Sunset over the Atlantic Ocean in Normandy
2) The architecture and decorations in Normandy
3) Foret de Bouconne
This HUGE forrest is very close to our house and I love to go running there. So many paths, so beautiful...latlely I've been enjoying running around a lake with ducks. Beautiful, serene and the best place to do your workouts.
4) Reading Material
The train ride to school is long - I need some reading material! (Péťo neboj, všechno Ti to přivezu za 4 týdny :-*)
5) Fireplace
We finally lit the fireplace! I love watching holiday movies and sipping on my favorite cup of tea while sitting by the fireplace...<3
středa 14. listopadu 2012
Langue Onze
Hi guys! Long time no see! I know! I've been busy. I went on a vacation last week with my host family. We visited the grandparents in Normandy and there was no internet connection, so that's why I couldn't blog. Since we came back I've been working or / and going to school. My language school - Langue Onze - started on Tuesday. I've been a bit nervous to go there, but everything went well and so far it seems great! We'll see how that goes :-) The only problem is the distance. It takes me 15 minutes by car, 50 minutes by train and on top of that 25 minutes long walk. At least I have some time to finish my homework on the train! There are about six other au pair girls and one boy in my class. Which is great. I didn't really have the time to get to know them a little, but hopefully I'll make some friends there :-)
These pictures were taken at Mont St. Michel, in Basse Normandie, France. I loved it. The architecture, the countryside...oh my. Reminds me a lot of Ireland!
úterý 6. listopadu 2012
5 things
Many fashion and beauty bloggers do this type of posts and I personally love them! I find them very inspiring, but they also show a little bit of their personality. It's simple. 5 things. 5 pictures. Every week.
1) The Verbena Tea by FAUCHON PARIS
Ever since I've found this tea hidden on a kitchen shelf, I cannot stop drinking it. I tried it out because it is Vervain - and according to the Vampire Diaries, it is supposed to protect you from vampire spell. I didn't epxect I would like it so much, and only after few days of drinking it I found out that FAUCHON Paris is a "trés chic" brand of tea...
2) Sakura flower tattoo
I love it. It is so poetic, so joyful, so colorful...and a statement piece. I have two tattoos, small ones and only black and white. It was easy to decide whether to get or not a small tattoo, that I can easily hide. But this? This is a whole new level for me...
3) TV Pilates
It's at home. It's free. It's fun. Why not? :)
neděle 4. listopadu 2012
Just a few photos to let you know where I've been and what I've seen :-)
Toulouse is called "la ville rose" - pink city. It's because all of it's architecture and the material they used. Every single house or building is built out of these bricks!
I climbed on tom of the Galeries Laffayete Department Store - they have a terasse on the roof with a beautiful view of Toulouse!
Pont St. Pierre. Funny thing is, this bridge crosses over the river Garonne, same river that splits Bordeaux into two banks. And they also have a Pont St. Pierre there...
These last pictures were taken in our back yard. You can see the Pyrenees mountains in the back :-) It is such a beautiful view...This is how I see it from the living room, as well! <3
Have a great week everybody!
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