Hi guys! I wanted to do some product review blog posts for you, but instead, I'm lying in my bed all day sipping Twinnings English Breakfast tea and sleeping. I am sick, hopefully it's just a cold and it goes away as fast as it came (yes, yesterday I felt so well that I went running into the Foret Boucone and did my personal best). And today I woke up with a sore throat, stuffy nose and slight temperature :-( I don't even crave food, especially chocolate, so that's a sure sign I'm sick, haha.
I've been catching up on my TV shows that I watch regularly, today's been a Once Upon a Time kind of day...It's a cute fairytale TV series with Jennifer Morrison, she stared also in Dr. House as Cameron. She's great in this show! She plays the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. Also, Emilie de Ravin (Remember Me) plays Belle.
Another one of my favorite shows is The Vampire Diaries. I don't think I need to elaborate on this one any more, I'm sure many of you know this series and if you don't, you're probably not a fan of vampire stories. I just want to say I love Elena as a vampire now and I am all the way Team Delena!

Moving on to less action, but sure as much drama, Glee. Are you a Gleek? I sure am! I love music, I love dancing. If you do too, you'll love Glee! It is about a high school glee club and high school drama, and high school geeks, but in a very nice and good way.
Now moving on to my favorite sitcoms! Of course Friends and all that jazz, we've seen it about milion times, right? 2 Broke Girls would be a great replacement. These two New Yorkers are trying to move out of Brooklyn by succeeding in their cupcake business. The jokes might sound cheap sometimes, but trust me, it's hilarious.
This sitcom I'm about to tell you guys you already know of, it's another very popular TV show. HIMYM or rather How I Met Your Mother. It puts a smile onto my face every time :-).
Last but not least, I'm gonna talk about Scrubs. It's a sitcom from the medical enviroment, starring with great Sarah Chalke! And what's the best - you can watch it on youtube, on the official scrubs 4u channel!
Hopefully this gave you some tips on what to watch when you're sick or just bored! :-) Coming up with more meaningful blogpost soon, hopefully...
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