I've had a lot of blogs before, some of them focused on fashion, the other ones were collecting pictures of my star crushes, but this one is different. This one is about me and my life.
You see, I've had a rough year. I lost myself completely in this stress-filled life and it consumed me. When I felt like I was at the lowest place in my life, things didn't get better. I received a letter from the Charles University that said they refuse to take me as their student and my year-and-a-half long relationship ended with a simple: "It's over, just deal with it!" text message. I thought I deserved better. This felt like a huge punch in my face. A punch that said: "Stop moping about your miserable life! Instead, turn it into something positive, meaningful, and special!"
So I stopped crying for a little bit, wiped my tears out of my face and got up. Yes, I went to the gym. And then to visit my grandparents. And then out with my friends. And shopping. I did a lot of shopping. But most importantly, I started to LIVE my life to the fullest. Again. And it felt, well, it felt good!
If you're looking for an isnpiration, you might find it here. If not, try reading Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. That's what helped me.
Life is a journey. And I'm right back on the track :-)
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