sobota 6. října 2012

La Tour Pey - Berland

Hello! Thank God It's Friday!! Yay! And even more exciting is the fact, that me and my friend Simona, we finally decided to climb onto the Pey - Berland Tower, which we pass by every day walking to school. The weather was amazing today! Almost too hot, no clouds, just perfect afternoon! :-) 
We ate our lunch at Place Gambetta, while sitting on the grass I took some pictures...

Build in between 1440 - 1458, the Pey - Berland Tower was supposed to become the bell tower for Sait - André Cathedral. With its height of 50 metres it makes a very beautiful statement piece within the architecture of Bordeaux. We climbed all 231 steps to get there!

View of the Saint - André Cathedral

Place Rohan

You can see the Gross - Clochard

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