Remember how I mentioned that I would love to became an au pair in France? Well, in July, I filled out my application at the Student Agency and hoped, that some time in Fall I would be moving to France. When I came back from Turkey, I checked my e-mail address, as usual, and I checked the spam e-mails, as I do once a week or so. And guess what I found there! An e-mail from Student Agency saying that they found me a host family. The best part is - they live in Bordeaux! I didn't expect things to go so fast...that I realized I can't go! I didn't have the money right away...I needed to sell my car as fast as possible...I was afraid it would take some time. So on Saturday night, I put my car on a website, with pictures and price and all and on Monday, my cute little Audi A3 was gone. It was a bittersweet moment. I wanted to sell her anyways, if I was going to move to France and leave my 16 years old car just standing at one place for a year, I don't thing she would cooperate with me when I came back. This way, somebody else (some nice girl) will take care of my baby. But I will miss her. She was my first car...yes, it is a SHE not IT, that's how much I loved her!
So now I can go to Bordeaux! I am buying my plane ticket tomorrow and I am leaving on the 5th of September! I am so excited to go to Bordeaux and take care of one 4 - year old and one 7 - year old children! It's a girl and a boy and the mom is preggos! She is expecting in the beginning of October!
Wish me luck :-)
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