neděle 10. února 2013

Chinese evening!

The thing about being au pair is that you get to meet people from all over the world. There is a chinese girl in a village right next to me. She goes to the same language school as I do, but that's not how we met. There is a Facebook group - Au Pairs in Toulouse 2012 / 2013 - the best thing ever. If I need something or if I just want to go to a cinema and have nobody to join me, I just write there and somebody always responds. So, when I asked the community (there is over 90 girls by now!) if there is anybody from my area, Candy responded (or rather S-uen - that's how you pronounce her real name). 
I was so happy to finally find a friend and somebody to talk to. She is such a sweet girl. This Friday, she invited me to a home cooked chinese dinner. It was really nice of her and I was impressed when I saw all the things she cooked for us. It definitely had nothing to do with the chinese food we find in those cheap restaurants in Europe. And I am so grateful for the opportunity to try out different things, different vegetables and sauces. This is why I love travelling. You never know where and who you'll meet! And what you'll eat ;-) We also talked about the Chinese New Year, which was happening at that time (this year is the year of a snake!), about different chinese traditions and lifestyle. We were accompanied by chinese music, and, the best part - the girls sang themselves some songs! I have to proudly admit to you guys, I ate all of the food with chopsticks!

**Thank you, Candy, for this really nice evening, I hope you'll teach me how to make those spring rolls! Those were the best ;-) I really appreciate all of the effort you put into this!**


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